Thursday, September 29, 2011

So I'm considering a number of books to write. My favorite subjects are culture, diversity and self. With that being said I'm thinking of an autobiography. Since I'm still living...(thank God) it would simply be a timeline right? About life's events. My thoughts during and after my experiences.  At first I was against this idea- because most of what has happened could be viewed "negative." However, each experience has shaped me and allowed me to grow stronger and despite being knocked down...I've always been able to stand back up and keep moving...I've been thru so much and I honestly feel that God puts us on this earth for various reasons.  My goal would be to help uplift those in need, inspire, educate and continue my dream. 

That paragraph was so artificial.  Like that cheap brand of "juice" that costs 95 cent for a gallon... I told you I was rusty. I'm working on well as myself. 

A bit of bad news.  I had this trunk in my basement. I had so many papers and essays and what not...and guess what? The basement FLOODED! I am hurt as my old disc's and stuff have been thrown away due to damage. It would've been nice to view my growth. I've had many journals, diary's and notebooks filled with thoughts, emotions and non sense... today's youth are blessed to have Facebook, Google and other alternatives to the ancient way of writing...with actual paper.

I'll come back when I have an idea...or I finish the thought process of my fiction piece.  Character development is rather time consuming!

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